100% Free Consultation 903-597-6000

Tyler Car Accident Lawyer

Car Accident Attorneys in Tyler, Texas

If you or someone you care about has been in a car accident in Tyler, our Tyler car accident lawyers know what you’re going through. We’ve helped tens of thousands of Tyler residents successfully settle serious accident claims of all kinds.

Right now, you are trying to heal from your injuries. Instead, you may be spending hours going back and forth with the insurance company, frustrated and fighting to be treated fairly.

It’s a fight to medical bills paid, get your injuries treated, to recover your lost wages, to get your car paid off or repaired, and more. And if you’ve lost a family member in an accident, you want to focus on honoring them and making sure your family is provided for.

All the while, you’re thinking: isn’t this why I have insurance? Shouldn’t they be watching out for me and handling this?

This is why we’re here, and we use the law to advocate for your rights. Our lawyers focus their entire practice on personal injury and auto accident cases. Our experienced and top-rated car accident lawyers can make all the difference.

Our Plan to Help You

For over 40 years, our Tyler car accident lawyers have won victories for tens of thousands of Tyler residents who have been injured in auto accidents.

We have a simple plan to help you get back on your feet:

  • Tell us about your motor vehicle accident.
  • We take over fighting the insurance company, and let you focus on getting better.
  • We work tirelessly on your car accident case until it is fully and fairly resolved.

There’s A Cost to Waiting

Our job is to be candid with you, and here’s the unfortunate reality: If you don’t do anything or wait to hire an attorney, things can only get worse.

Many people start out attempting to negotiate with the insurance company themselves. Then when it’s too late, that the insurance company has trapped them into accepting an unfair and incomplete settlement. Worse, the insurance company will find ways to pin some of the liability for the car wreck on you.

In fact, according to the insurance industry’s statistics, an insurance company will pay you around 3.5 times less if you don’t have an accident lawyer.

Similarly, you may also get an incomplete settlement if you hire a lawyer who is not experienced with injury claims or who is not giving your case the attention it deserves.

There’s no cost to visit with us and learn your options. And there’s no risk to hiring us: if we don’t win your case, it’s free.

Speak with us today and let us help you start getting back on your feet.

Why hire Roberts & Roberts?

1. Nationally Recognized

Our attorneys have an unparalleled track record with car accident injury claims. We’ve worked hard to earn a national reputation; one that has put us on the map with insurance companies.

Our car accident lawyers have been regularly featured in national media, such as CNN and Good Morning America, for helping injured Tylerites with car accident claims.

car accident lawyers in tyler tx car accident lawyers in tyler tx car accident attorney in tyler tx accident lawyers in tyler tx accident attorneys in tyler tx accident lawyers in tyler tx accident attorneys in tyler tx

2. Over 500+ 5-Star Reviews From Clients

Through skill, experience, and care, our car accident attorneys in Tyler have earned hundreds of 5-star reviews from our clients.

3. Repeatedly Voted “Best Law Firm”

Each of the last 5 years, we have been voted “Best Law Firm” and had our attorneys voted “Best Attorney” in Tyler’s Best in Town awards.

Roberts & Roberts - Voted Best Law Firm

4. Board Certified Specialists in Car Accidents

Roberts & Roberts is a personal injury law firm known for helping victims of auto collisions.

Many of our attorneys have earned the most recognized credential in Texas law: Board Certification from the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

We’re the only law firm in the area with five attorneys who are Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law.

Less than 1% of Texas attorneys have achieved this recognition – and five of them are at Roberts & Roberts.

5. Our No-Fee Guarantee

We believe you should be able to have nationally recognized lawyers on your side, regardless of ability to pay. That is why you will not owe us anything unless we successfully settle your case.

Like most personal injury lawyers, we work on what is known as a “contingency fee.” In other words, you owe nothing out of pocket. We are only paid for our services out of the settlement using a standard percentage of the insurance funds we recover for you.

And there’s a cost to not hiring a lawyer for your car accident case. According to the Insurance Research Council, the insurance industry’s research organization, insurance companies will pay 3.5 times less on average to injured victims who are not represented by an attorney.

6. We Never Make More Than Our Clients

One of the ways we’re different is that we never make more than our clients. It has been our longstanding tradition that we will never earn more in attorney fees than our client walks away with in their case.

7. Personal Attention

We have built our reputation and track record one client at a time. And we’ve done this for 40 years, earning most of our business through recommendations by former clients.

Unfortunately, the trend is that many law firms now operate more like a business than a law firm. There may be one or two principal attorneys, and you might meet them once – if ever. This often means your case will be handled by a “case manager,” who is overwhelmed with hundreds of cases.

Our approach is different: we believe in quality over quantity. You will work directly, one-on-one, with one of our nationally recognized attorneys and their paralegal. We limit the number of cases our attorneys take, and you will know your attorney and be able to call them at any time.

Free, Confidential Consultation

Your consultation is 100% free and confidential. We have attorneys and investigators ready to help. To get started, use the form below or call us at (903) 597-6000.

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Car Accident Law FAQs

If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, you may have a lot of questions. Our car accident lawyers are available to answer them. Here are some of the common questions we hear after an accident:

It’s important to act quickly after an accident. The other driver’s insurance company is already investigating your accident. You need your lawyer to immediately investigate your case and preserve critical evidence before it’s gone.

But we do all the above and more. We preserve the critical evidence in your case, collect all the available insurance benefits available to you, work with your creditors to get you back on your feet, and much more.

It’s decision time. You can get on the road to recovery by letting our car accident lawyers help you. Or, at the very least, you can call us for a free, no-commitment consultation about your case.

Choose Top-Rated Car Accident Lawyers in Tyler TX

Finding the best accident attorney improves your chances of winning the pain and suffering award that you deserve. As part of your research, read local reviews of auto wreck lawyers near you. Also, ask lots of questions.

Car Accident Lawyers in Tyler, Texas

At Roberts & Roberts, we urge potential clients to do their due diligence. We also remind them that the statute of limitations following a car accident in Texas is two years from the date the crash happened. This means time is of the essence.

More FAQs About Hiring a Tyler Car Accident Attorney

Arm yourself by knowing what questions to ask during your lawyer interview process. Read on to learn more.

Do I need to hire an injury lawyer after an accident?

We recognize that hiring a lawyer may not be the first thing that leaps to your mind after a severe collision. Many people worry about the cost of hiring a car accident attorney but do not consider the cost of not hiring one.

Fact: Having a lawyer on your side will prevent the potential loss of your insurance benefits.

The insurance industry’s research demonstrates the importance of hiring a lawyer. It’s a known fact that an insurance company will pay 3.5 times less on average to an injured victim who is not represented by a lawyer than to a person who is represented. The law entitles you to fully recover the damages owed to you.

Fact: Hiring an attorney will help to ensure that you don’t lose critical evidence.

Like anything else in life, waiting to hire an attorney can cause real, meaningful harm to your case. At Roberts & Roberts, we have a “no stone left unturned” investigation policy, which has helped us to discover unlikely, but critical evidence after an accident, such as a faulty seat belt or defective airbag inflator that, if working correctly, would have saved the life of the accident victim or victims.

How does a car accident lawyer in Tyler get paid?

You only pay after you win! In other words, we do not get paid for your case until and unless you do.

Put simply; our fees are a standard percentage of your ultimate recovery. If we don’t win, then you don’t owe us anything. We believe this is the best system for making sure our clients have access to justice after an accident.

Even better, we take care of everything after an accident. Unlike some firms, we are a “full service” law firm. In other words, we deal directly with the insurance companies, handle your vehicle damage claim and rental vehicle, send our in-house investigators directly to the scene, and more.

What should I do if I’ve been in a car accident?

After a car crash, your priority should be to seek medical treatment for yourself and other victims. At Roberts & Roberts, we recognize that any automobile accident injury, including what may seem like a minor injury, can disrupt your life and make it difficult to work.

An injury can make it hard to provide for your family and affect your enjoyment of life. Many injuries require weeks or months of rehabilitative therapy and extended time off work.

We have built a strong relationship with many doctors and medical facilities. If our client needs to see a doctor, get a medical test, get physical therapy, or even needs a surgery, we can get that taken care of, even if they don’t have health insurance and don’t have the ability to pay for it. Our goal at Roberts and Roberts is to make sure each of our clients gets the best medical care, the best service, and the best result under the law.

After a severe injury, you may be admitted to the UT Health Tyler emergency room, CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital, or other nearby local hospitals. If you aren’t taken to the ER, you should visit your doctor and describe what happened, even if you don’t feel injured. Some types of auto accident injuries such as concussions are not immediately apparent.

Also, you should report the accident to the police and wait for them to arrive (learn more about how to interpret your crash report). Be sure to get the names of the other drivers and their insurance information. Also, write down contact information from any eyewitnesses. Use your phone or camera to take photographs of the accident scene if you’re able. Take a picture of the license plate of the other vehicles involved.

It’s important to report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible. However, you should not give a recorded or written statement until you have consulted with a qualified Tyler personal injury lawyer.

If an insurance adjuster contacts you about settling your claim, don’t make a statement or sign any documents without first speaking with an experienced attorney. The insurance adjuster’s job is to make your claim go away as cheaply as possible. By signing a bad settlement agreement, you may prevent yourself from recovering the compensation you are due.

Here is a brief checklist on what to do after an auto accident.

It’s not necessary to hire a legal pro after every car wreck. However, you should always consult with an experienced legal professional after a car accident.

Why choose Roberts & Roberts?

The personal injury attorneys at Roberts & Roberts have been helping injured people in Tyler for nearly 40 years.

We are specialist personal injury lawyers with a unique specialty in car accident law and the settlement process. With over 200 years of combined experience, we have earned a reputation for our results.

Moreover, we’re local. After nearly 40 years in Tyler, we know how to prosecute car accident claims in Tyler and throughout the country.

You can trust our legal team to fight for your rights as the victim of another person’s negligence.

Fact: The most recent statistics from the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) show that the roads are unfortunately getting less safe: 2023 was the Tyler area’s worst year on record for fatal crashes.

Do I have to go to court or trial?

This is another area where we stand apart from other personal injury law firms. Our lawyers go to court regularly so that you don’t have to. In other words, becuase of the verdicts and settlements we obtain for our clients, we dissuade insurance companies from treating you unfairly and dragging you through a lengthy litigation process. Our track record is what helps us set your case up for success.

We only file lawsuits in around 30% of our cases, and a small fraction of those ever end up at trial (and when they do, it’s because our client has approved us sending a message to the insurance company).

What types of compensation or damages are available in a car wreck case?

Texas law is focused on making you “whole” after an auto accident. The law provides that you are entitled to several types of monetary compensation, including the following:

  • Economic Damages
    • Medical Expenses: Costs related to medical treatment, hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and rehabilitation.
    • Lost Wages: Compensation for income lost due to inability to work after the accident.
    • Property Damage: Costs to repair or replace damaged vehicles or other property.
    • Loss of Earning Capacity: Future income loss due to long-term or permanent disability.
  • Non-Economic Damages
    • Pain and Suffering: Compensation for physical pain and emotional distress caused by the accident.
    • Loss of Consortium: Damages for the negative impact on the relationship between the victim and their spouse.
    • Mental Anguish: Compensation for psychological effects such as anxiety, depression, and trauma.
    • Loss of Enjoyment of Life: Damages for the loss of ability to enjoy daily activities and hobbies.
    • Disfigurement: Compensation for permanent physical alteration or scarring resulting from the accident.
  • Exemplary (Punitive) Damages
    • Purpose: Awarded to punish the defendant for gross negligence or intentional misconduct and to deter similar behavior in the future.

Have Our Team on Your Side

The consultation is completely free, so you have nothing to lose by calling our office to discuss your case.

At worst, you will learn whether you have a case or not from our experienced, nationally recognized attorneys. Our auto accident lawyers are deeply knowledgeable: they have represented thousands of injured people in injury claims and wrongful death claims in Tyler, as well as across the state and the country – and even around the world, with a case involving the German Autobahn.

Contact us now at 903-597-6000 or fill out our online contact form. There is no charge for the initial review. Remember: The call costs you nothing, but it could mean everything.

What Our Clients Say:

“My husband and I were involved in a serious auto accident. While recovering in a rehab facility, I soon realized that I needed help…so I called Roberts and Roberts, the firm my husband referred some of his customers to when they needed professional assistance. Mike Ace was assigned to our case. He was very professional, helpful, and caring. I would recommend Mike and his firm to anyone!”

Rating: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Roberta McCullough
February 2019
Read more reviews on Google!

Our Office in Tyler, Texas

Our office in Tyler, Texas, is conveniently located at:

Roberts & Roberts Law Firm
118 W 4th St
Tyler, TX 75701
(903) 597-6000

We are available to call 24/7.

View our Google Business Profile

About Tyler, Texas

1. The History of Tyler

Tyler, Texas, named after President John Tyler, was established in 1846 as the county seat of Smith County. The town was strategically located to serve as a hub for the cotton industry, which dominated the local economy during the 19th century. The arrival of the railroad in the 1870s spurred growth, transforming Tyler into a vital trade center in East Texas. Known as the “Rose Capital of America,” Tyler’s rose industry flourished in the early 20th century, bolstered by the creation of the Texas Rose Festival in 1933. Over the decades, Tyler has diversified its economy, becoming a center for education, healthcare, and manufacturing while retaining its rich cultural heritage and historic charm. Major roadways include U.S. Highway 69 and State Highway 31, ensuring easy access to and from the city.

2. Things To Do in Tyler

Key hotspots and events include the stunning Tyler Rose Garden, the educational Caldwell Zoo, the Tyler Museum of Art, the historic Goodman-LeGrand House & Museum, and the popular annual Texas Rose Festival.

3. Neighborhoods in Tyler

Roberts & Roberts provides legal services, including handling auto accident claims, to all of the neighberhoods in the greater Tyler area. Among these are Hollytree, the Azalea District, Cascades Estates, Downtown, Elberta, Midtown, and greater South Tyler.

Free, Confidential Case Review

Find out how we can help you. Get started now by filling out the form below or by calling (903) 597-6000. Your case review is free and confidential.

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Our Personal Injury Lawyers Are Featured in the Top 100 Personal Injury Trial Lawyers Our Personal Injury Attorneys Have Been Texas Super Lawyers for Decades Our Personal Injury Attorneys Have Been Recipients of the Mult-Million Dollar Advocates Award for Personal Injury Lawyers

From one former client:
"I am so happy to have chosen the best law firm around. The staff is amazing in handling your questions promptly. I hope I don't ever need them again, but if I do, there is no question I will be back. Thank y'all so much for helping me." - Heather N.